Review of March 18-24:
The goal was to work on some Main Floor stuff. As all good planning goes sometimes, I didn't do as much as I wanted. Due to family crisis, some of my ideas went by the wayside. I did, however, get something accomplished. My desk is looking better. I reorganized all our sweaters, jackets, boots and shoes. The kids' toys got done too but still no shelving unit of any kind. Need to keep an eye out for one.
Plan for March 25-31:
- This is Bonus Week.
- As it is a busy week, I'm not sure what all I will get done, but I'm going to try to work on each of the floors and try to get stuff done that I didn't get to yet.
Review of March 11-17:
The focus last week was on the kids. Even though it was March Break, I still got a few things accomplished. :) I took my little journal with me and went through the kids' clothes. We boxed up some stuff that doesn't fit anymore or that they just don't want. I wrote down the things they need and the sizes. I also got a new storage system for the Barbies that my daughter keeps in her room. WalMart had a sale on and I found a plastic 3 drawer unit that fits in her closet and holds all the Barbie paraphernalia. This is a much better location for all the stuff as it's right near the Barbie house. We also had time for fun and baking, and a trip to my sister's home and picked up some of my old toys. Never got to anything in the basement but that's okay.
Plan for March 18-24:
- The focus this week is the main floor.
- I would like to work on my desk again. (It's got some piles going on.) Seems like this needs to be a task that gets done more often, or I need to remember to clean up after myself a bit better.
- I would like to find a better storage solution for the kids' toys that we have here. Might just need a book case or something.
- There is a bit of miscellaneous stuff hanging around too that needs to be taken care of like mending and ironing.
Plans are great but they don't always work out. :)
Review of March 4-10:
I don't think I had too much on my list but not everything got done. The only thing I got completed last week was the linen closet. I tidied it up, got rid of a few half full bottles by dumping them into others, picked up a few more baskets at the dollar store, and re-organized. I'm happy with how the linen closet turned out, I was just hoping for greater progress last week.
But it's ALL good! When ever we get something accomplished we should smile and be happy that it got done. Time to regroup and move onto this week.
It looks like the decluttering and organizing is going to take all of March. I am planning the actual "deep cleaning" part to start in April. As the month goes on and I move from room to room, I'm taking notes of what I want my "deep cleaning" to include.
I had a genius idea for an old journal.
I had a brand new journal sitting around, not being used for anything.
When I attacked the linen closet, I brought it and a pen with me. In the
front I started making lists of the items that get grouped together
(one group per page). At the back, I started shopping lists (a general
list and one for the dollar store). I'm taking this journal with me for the rest of the March Un-Madness so I can continue to organize. It's not too big so it's easy to carry around and it's just such a handy idea.
Plan for March 11-17:
- The focus this week is on the kids and their stuff.
- We're having a Fashionista Day to go through my daughter's clothes. Since I didn't get my son's clothes done last week, I hope to do them at the same time.
- I would like to get through the kids' bedroom. The toys and books need to be decluttered and re-organized.
- If there is more time, I want to start going through the boxes of kids' stuff in the basement.
March Un-Madness is underway! These first few days have been spent with a little decluttering as well as some research and planning.
After Google-ing the topic, Spring Cleaning seems to be just about decluttering, organizing and "deep" cleaning your home. So those three things are my goal for the next little while.
In reality, I don't think I will be done by the end of March. It's going to be a bit of a job. I definitely need to go through the kids' clothes as they have items that are too small or wearing out. I would like to purge some of their toys too. Too many toys just means more mess as they really don't play with them all. I know I need a few more baskets and containers to make some storage areas work better. And well, there's always the basement - still full of too much stuff!
So, I'm just going to take it easy and not stress. The end result is to get the job done, doesn't matter how fast or slow it takes to get there. And this is my first attempt at Spring Cleaning. More of the focus is going to end up on the decluttering I think.
"Deep" Cleaning refers to some things that I don't normally do. It focuses on make sure to clean:
- Walls and ceiling
- Light fixtures, fans, vents
- Windows and blinds
- Furniture
- Lamps, pictures, knickknacks
I do clean these areas but more focus is needed, making sure to do top to bottom.
Plan for March 4-10:
- The focus is upstairs (second floor) which consists of two bedrooms, a linen closet, one bathroom, and a hallway.
- I would like to get through the linen closet and my son's clothes this week.
- Different containers for storage in the linen closet need to be purchased.
- Some decluttering of the top of dressers would also be good.