Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October's Room of the Month

Today's the first which means it's time for the big reveal. :) The ROTM for October will be The Bathroom.

In this house, we have two, however one is in my BIL's apartment so I only have to deal with one. ;) Sometimes having only one bathroom for the four of us can be a bit much, which is why I want to take my time and make it work a little better for us.

Today I'm just starting with my checklist and filling in the four sections (purge & organize; deep clean; repairs & changes; things to purchase). I'm sure there will be more to add later on but it's good to have a starting point. And I like checking stuff off to show myself I'm making progress.

As I attack the areas of the bathroom, I'll be taking before and after pictures so you all can see how I'm doing. By the end of the month, we should have a bathroom that's working a little better for this family.

What room could you work on? Do you want to do the bathroom like I am? Make your own checklist with it divided into the four sections, then get at it. :)

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