Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Change Will Do You Good

Travel in time with me… About 10 or 15 years ago, you turn on the radio and hear Sheryl Crow’s voice singing over the airwaves… “I think a change (a change) will do you good (a change will do you good)….” Do you think that? Will a change do you good in your search for Domestic Diva-hood?
I don’t know about you, but when I was growing up cleaning was always a major event to be done right before the arrival of company. As a child, this drove me crazy! From an early age, I thought there had to be a better way.
As an adult with my own home, I know I don’t want to live like that. I don’t want to be racing around like a madwoman when people are coming. So I need a change: a change in method, a change in perspective, a change in attitude! As a stay-at-home mom, I should be able to get stuff done during the day so that I can relax in the evening. I am learning to do a little every day: completing the household chores and meeting responsibilities as if I was running a business. I have my daily schedule with work hours. There’s even time for coffee breaks and lunch. :)
So what do you need to change in your journey toward Domestic Diva–hood? It doesn’t have to be big! Oftentimes, a small change makes a huge impact. I’m challenging myself to do more. Follow along with me here to find out what little changes I’m making in the new year to have a difference in my Domestic Diva-hood.


  1. You are so awesome!!! I wish I could follow a schedule.

    1. Thanks Jess. Still working on the schedule but the bones are there at least. :)
